Local Mail Server

While we are developing our email sending application code in local environment we don’t want to hammer real mail servers with our testing messages.

Instead, we can use tools that act as local SMTP server, intercept mails we send and provide web interface allowing developers to view emails without sending them to actual email addresses.

One of the first such tools was MailHog, which is no longer actively maintained but has inspired other similar tools like MailPit.

We could still use MailHog, but MailPit is feature rich and actively developed.

We can create docker-compose.yml definition for our mailpit service:

    image: axllent/mailpit
    container_name: mailpit
      - 8025:8025
      - 1025:1025

and run it with docker compose up -d, and destroy it and clean resources with docker compose down -v.

MailPit exposes user-friendly web interface on port 8025, where you can view, search, and inspect the emails that have been captured, including their content and headers.

It acts as a local SMTP server, which means you can configure your application to send emails directly to Mailpit instead of a real email server.